Photo: adverse.camber/Instagram

This Man Is Giving Himself a Tattoo for Each Day Spent in Lockdown

by Eben Diskin Apr 27, 2020

People are finding creative ways to pass the time during lockdown, from crafting cocktails to taking online classes to making pasta, but none compare to Chris Woodhead’s idea. While he endures the stay-at-home orders in London, he gives himself a different tattoo every day and he’s quickly running out of space.

Woodhead, a tattoo artist himself, is no novice. He has been regularly getting inked for 15 years, and before the lockdown started, he already had around 1,000 tattoos. Since then, he’s added 40 more and has resolved to continue adding one per day until the lockdown ends.

“I found myself pottering around, not knowing what to do and eating all the food in the cupboards,” he told BBC News. “So the idea of tattooing myself every day was to give myself a bit of direction. Without structure people are at a complete loss.”

Woodhead’s routine consists of sketching new tattoo designs every day between 2:00 and 4:00 PM — designs inspired by the lockdown — and then tattooing one of his designs on himself with a needle and pot of ink in a method known as hand poking.

“If I’m truly honest,” he said, “I look ridiculous — I look like a piece of blue cheese. There is very little space left that I can actually reach.”

One of his tattoos, on the sole of his left foot, reads, “WHEN WILL IT END?” The bottom of his right leg has a drawing of a coronavirus particle, and his sternum has an inked tribute to the NHS. Other tattoos include a nod to Joe Exotic, a sperm swimming across his arm (to represent his wife’s pregnancy), and the logo of a Japanese mayonnaise brand.

Woodhead must be economical with the space remaining on his body, because he is determined to tattoo the name of his newborn child when the baby arrives in July.

“I’ve probably got a month’s worth of tattoo space left,” he said.

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