The time people have been spending inside has led to inspired projects around the world. Some are deep and speak to the times, like street art to show appreciation for medical workers, while others are a little more whimsical, like the people recreating the popular “Follow me to” photos. A project by James Vreeland in Oak Park, Michigan, falls in the latter category: miniature restaurants for the squirrels in his front yard.
A Michigan Man Built a Miniature Squirrel Restaurant in His Front Yard
The open-concept restaurant, called Maison de Noix (“The Nut House”), is made up of four picnic-style tables in a fenced-off part of his lawn. Decorations includes squirrel statues and tiny coat racks for the furry diners. Vreeland offers a curated selection of dishes, including stale bread, pizza crust, a mixed seeds trio, counter softened apples, and, the all-time favorite, raw peanuts. The menu is posted at the entrance, printed out neatly on a piece of paper. Though, judging by a timelapse video posted on his Instagram, the entrance isn’t used all that much.
“Figured now was as good a time as any to get into the restaurant game,” Vreeland captioned one photo. Maison de Noix’s regulars includes birds as well, and it has gained popularity among the human population of Oak Park as people pause to snap a photo and see how business is going.
You can watch Maison du Noix in action on James Vreeland’s Facebook live streams.