Photo: Mykola Komarovskyy/Shutterstock

The World's Biggest Naked Cruise Returns in 2025

by Suzie Dundas May 2, 2024

For most people, a vacation is a change to shed the stress and challenges of everyday life for a while. But for roughly 2,300 people in February of 2025, a vacation will be a chance to shed something else: clothing.

The cruise, called “The Big Nude Boat,” is the latest offering from Bare Necessities, a company that charters nude cruises around the world. The 2025 Big Nude Boat sailing runs from February 3 to February 14, departing from Miami, Florida, and making stops in the Bahamas, Puerto Rico, St. Maarten, Dominica, Martinique, and St. Lucia. The cruise will be aboard the Norwegian Pearl, owned and operated by Norwegian Cruise Lines but chartered by Bare Necessities.

naked cruise norwegian pearl

The Big Nude Boat cruise will be onboard the Norwegian Pearl, but guests will need to be dressed when the ship is in port. Photo: Wangkun Jia/Shutterstock

If the idea of heading out on a naked cruise seems a bit too much like something from a rated-R movie, think again. Bare Necessities hosts only “naturist” cruises — cruises meant for people who prefer socializing and living in the nude in a completely non-sexual way. That’s opposed to “lifestyle,” or swingers cruises, meant more for people who associate nudity with intimate or flirtatious behavior.

In fact, The Big Nude Boat has strict rules against anything that could make fellow passengers uncomfortable, clothed or not. Naturally, “fondling or inappropriate touching of personal body parts or those of someone else” is completely off limits. Other no-go behaviors include taking photos of anyone (dressed or otherwise) without their permission, doing anything dangerous or rude to other guests, or wearing “lingerie, fetish-wear, [or] excessive genital jewelry.”

Cruise-goers on the naked cruise need to follow other rules related to decorum and hygiene, too. While on board, cruisers must be dressed in the dining rooms and sit on a towel everywhere on board (including staterooms), rather than putting bare bottoms on shared surfaces. And the nudity only extends so far. While cruisers can be completely nude on “at sea” days, when anchored in port, or on a few select excursions, guests need to be dressed while the ship is docked at ports, and on any of the traditional excursions. Nudity is also not allowed on the cruise shuttles or while port authorities are on board.


Pricing for the naked cruise is only slightly more expensive than what you’d pay for a standard cruise of a similar length on the Norwegian Pearl. The Big Nude Boat starts at $2,000 per person for an inside cabin, while a 14-day cruise with similar destinations through Norwegian starts around $1,800 with taxes and fees.

While the Big Nude Boat is the world’s biggest naked cruise — the Norwegian Pearl is nearly 1,000 feet long with a crew of 1,100 — it’s not the only option for naturists from Bare Necessities. Also coming up are smaller cruises through Greece and Vanuatu, though each sailing is capped at around 220 guests. Nudists looking for a more intimacy-focused naked cruise may want to consider options from a company like Lifestyle Cruises (slogan: “Surrender Yer Booty.”) No matter what cruise you pick, don’t forget your ocean-safe sunscreen

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