Photo: Emojipedia

Here Are the 117 New Emojis Coming to Your Phone in 2020

Technology + Gear News Culture
by Eben Diskin Jan 30, 2020

Forget the climate emergency, the impeachment trial, and the spread of the new coronavirus — It’s time for light-hearted news, like the new emojis making it to your phone in 2020.

The list of the new 117 emojis has just been released, and the Unicode Consortium, which develops the new emojis, is painting in broad strokes for its new additions, with emojis ranging from the transgender flag to an anatomical heart to bubble tea.

Photo: Emojipedia

New gender-focused emojis include:

  • A gender-neutral alternative to Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus named “Mx. Claus”
  • The transgender flag
  • The transgender symbol
  • A woman and a gender-neutral person in a tuxedo
  • A man and a gender-neutral person in a veil
  • A woman, man, and a gender-neutral person feeding a baby

Photo: Emojipedia

Foodies got their wish, with new and exciting food emojis soon available, such as:

  • The Swiss fondue pot
  • Tamales
  • A flatbread
  • A green bell
  • Bubble tea

Photo: Emojipedia

Many cultural additions have also been made, including:

  • Russian nesting dolls
  • Pinched fingers (also known as the “Italian hand gesture”)
  • A long drum
  • A boomerang
  • A pinata

Expect the approved emojis to be rolled out in software updates throughout 2020.

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