Photo: Mia2you/Shutterstock

All Trains and Buses Will Be Free Throughout This State for Labor Day Weekend so You Can Go to the Beach

by Morgane Croissant Aug 26, 2024

Starting today, and throughout this week and the upcoming Labor Day long weekend, all modes of transport across the New Jersey TRANSIT network are free for all.

On August 15, Phil Murphy, Governor of New Jersey, announced that during the last week of summer vacation, from August 26 to September 2, 2024, the fees for all the buses and trains, including the Access Link services (the state’s ADA paratransit program), would be waived.

The New Jersey TRANSIT network, the third largest public transportation system in the country, includes 263 bus routes, three light rail lines, 12 commuter rail lines, and Access Link service. And you can ride them all (or try) for free for the next eight days.

That means that New Jerseyans, can make their way to the beach in a sustainable way and without having to worry about traffic, gas price, or parking, whether they want to set up their umbrellas and blankets at Cape May to the south, Ocean City, or Ashbury Park further north. The New Jersey coastline is roughly 130 miles long so there are plenty of good sandy spots to choose from.

Governor Murphy hopes to show his gratitude, and apologize, to all New Jersey TRANSIT users, especially those who suffered from the many delays and cancelations that took place throughout the state this summer due to aging infrastructure in dire need of investment.

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