Photo: hotelsdotcom/Instagram

This Travel Website Is Looking for a Dog Critic to Review Pet-Friendly Hotels Around the World

Travel Jobs Pets News
by Eben Diskin Aug 13, 2019

It’s tough enough to find a travel job these days, but if humans have to vie for their dream position with dogs, it’s going to get nearly impossible. is looking for a Canine Critic to review the best pet-friendly hotels in the world, but in this particular case, they’re not exactly an equal opportunity employer.

The hotel booking website specifically wants the role to be filled by a pooch. The successful canine candidate will receive 10 vouchers for dog-friendly hotels, each worth up to $200, but the best part is that you can be their plus one.

Liz Oakman, senior director and general manager of EMEA, which owns, said to Metro, “We love our pets more than we love our other half at times, so it’s no surprise that we’ve seen a huge increase in travelers wanting to take their furry plus one on holiday with them. Our hunt for a Canine Critic is our way of ensuring pet-friendly hotels really are up to ‘scratch’ with a four-legged expert’s ‘paw of approval.’”

To enter, upload a picture of your dog on Instagram, tag @hotelsdotcom, and use the #CanineCritic hashtag in the caption. You must also follow on Instagram. Entries must be submitted by 5:59 PM EST on Sunday, August 25, and winners will be notified by September 18 via private message on Instagram.

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