Photo: TikTok

How a Traveler Earned Free Hotels in Italy and $3,600 in Flights From American Airlines

Travel Airports + Flying
by Katie Gavin Aug 15, 2024

We all love a travel hack, especially when it comes to getting bumped up to business class or trying to score a cheap flight. Enter Susan Berry, an American traveler, who recently had a genius stroke of luck, which essentially led to getting paid to travel in Italy.

Berry, 36, shared her story of racking up thousands of dollars in flight vouchers and free accommodation by volunteering to be bumped off her American Airlines flights, one day after another, on TikTok.

@berryfacecreative Apparently, theres no limit on vouchers but heres the catch, im technically on standby so I COULD end up flying home if theres enough room on the flight and then its game over! Lets see if i can make it to $10,000@American Airlines #americanairlines #napoli #italy #travellife ♬ original sound – Susan Berry

Berry’s Italian vacation took an unexpected turn when her American Airlines flight from Naples to Philadelphia was overbooked. When airline gate agents announced the flight was overbooked, they sought volunteers willing to relinquish their seats in exchange for compensation. Berry, recognizing an opportunity, gladly offered to be bumped, and she was rewarded with a $1,200 flight voucher, complimentary meals, and a hotel room for the night.

Berry’s freelance fashion photography career allows her to work remotely, so with no strings and intrigued by the prospect of additional compensation, Berry returned to the airport the following day, fully expecting the flight to be overbooked once more. Her hunch proved correct. By agreeing to be bounced again, she secured another $1,200 voucher and repeated the cycle of complimentary dining and lodging at what Berry comically called “Camp American Airlines.”

@berryfacecreative A leisurely stroll to collect my voucher #americanairlines #napoli #traveltips #airportlife ♬ there she goes – 🎸🪩

As the days passed, the Naples to Philadelphia route consistently experienced overbooking. With each subsequent day, Berry found herself in the same situation: volunteering to be removed from the flight, receiving a $1,200 voucher, and enjoying the airline’s hospitality.

Berry documented her good luck on TikTok, “I’m at $3,600 and counting I’m trying to get up to $10,000 and then travel the world.”

This unexpected windfall allowed Berry to extend her Italian vacation. Free accommodations and meals provided by American Airlines significantly reduced her travel expenses, and she accumulated flight vouchers in the hope of traveling the world.

@berryfacecreative Day 4 of Camp American Airlines! Will i make it to $4800 in travel vouchers today? #americanairlines #traveltips #airportlife #travellife #hotellife ♬ Good Day – Nappy Roots

Over the course of her extended stay, Berry collected a total of $3,550 in flight vouchers. While she had initially hoped to get over $10,000, on her fourth day, there was availability on the flight, and she was sent home to her cat and an interview with Good Morning America.

Now, if you’re thinking, “Cha-ching, this is genius,” don’t get too excited. Berry was fortunate, and she was willing and able to be flexible. Overbooking is a standard industry practice, but airlines typically make significant efforts to accommodate passengers, especially those bumped for days.

Berry is planning how she will spend the stack of flight vouchers. Her first choice is Hawai’i.”I have always wanted to do photography there,” she says to Thrillist.

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