Photo: Patrick Foto/Shutterstock

Meet An Expert: Japan

Japan Travel
by Carlo Alcos Jun 15, 2009
Continuing on with the tradition at Trips, we bring you our latest Destination Expert. Meet Turner Wright.

In addition to churning out brilliant articles like How to Order Sushi Like a Ninja and 10 Japanese Customs You Must Know Before a Trip to Japan, Matador regular contributor Turner Wright also does double duties as our Destination Expert for Japan.

Turner lived in Japan for two years, teaching English in Hiroshima and working with a private Japanese company in Kagoshima.

In his time there he also traveled extensively around the four main islands where he kicked back in hot springs, took in the natural beauty, and immersed himself in Japanese culture.

More on Turner:

About Me: Born and raised in Dallas, Texas, attended the University of Texas at Austin from 2001-2005…I’m learning to make ends meet wherever I happen to reside, attending Couchsurfing gatherings, and spreading the word of independent travel to any willing ears.

I have a degree in aerospace engineering. I enjoy singing Phantom of the Opera (badly, I’m sure) when I’m wandering empty streets in a foreign country at night. I once went for 60 hours without sleep (and, consequently, slept for 26 hours after that).

Quote: “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you did not do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

Who I’d like to meet on my travels: Anyone who can keep up with me

Why I Travel: I know it’s not possible for me to see every square cm of this world before I die, but in the meantime, I’m learning more about foreign cultures, eating things I never thought I would touch back in Texas, and finding myself changing with each experience.

To learn more about Turner and pester him with questions about Japan, visit his Matador profile. He’d also love it if you’d drop by his blog Keeping Pace In Japan. To check out his pictures from all ’round Japan and beyond, he’s known as turnerw82 on Flickr.


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If you’re interested in becoming a Matador Destination Expert, check out this forum post for a detailed how-to.

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