23 Signs You Need to Start Traveling Again

by Carlo Alcos Jul 30, 2013

1. You’re lusting after your friends’ travel itineraries.


2. Getting into your own bed every night has gotten pretty boring.


3. You’ve just realized you’re stuck in your own little world.


4. Your reaction to that lame-ass office joke was waaaaay overboard.


5. You spend more time tooting your horn about your travels than actually traveling.


6. You hate your coworkers.


7. Your faith in strangers has taken a turn for the worse.


8. You’ve been relegated to listening to other travelers tell their tales.


9. Today feels like this. Yesterday did too. And you know what tomorrow will bring.


10. Responsibilities are piling up around you faster than you can say, “Noch ein Bier, bitte.”


11. You actually have to keep track of what day it is.


12. You miss weird and exotic foods.


13. You’ve lost your perspective on life.


14. You really miss the element of surprise.


15. Your definition of a home run has gone from successfully ordering what you wanted in a restaurant in China to getting pre-approved for a mortgage.


16. With no more chicken buses, you’ve lost the ability to share your personal space.


17. You’ve got deadlines…and there’s no time to lose!


18. Your colleagues’ incessant and mundane chatter blows your mind. And not in a good way.


19. Your days are as interchangeable as these Fox News anchors.


20. You’re tired of playing with yourself.


21. You just spent 5 minutes staring at this gif, lost in a daydream.


22. You don’t care what your family / boss says — that beard they made you shave off has lots of good uses!


23. You have nightmares about travel being the one that got away.


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