Photo: Afripads

5 Reasons to Be Hopeful for the End of Menstruation Taboos in 2017

by Sujan Pariyar Jan 25, 2017

1. The rise of women empowerment programs.

Women empowerment programs focus on educating women, teaching skilled workmanship and awareness about women’s health. In impoverished areas of Asia, many international volunteers teach women to make reusable pads, offering employment — those pads are often distributed to girls who can’t afford to buy them. Women empowerment programs are one of the ethical volunteer projects where volunteers can give their support to a meaningful cause and help women to end of menstruation taboos.

2. Girls are getting a better education.

With the rise of international and national girls sponsorship projects, girls are attending school more and more. Education supports girls to be more independent and knowledgeable about their health. Educated girls are empowering vulnerable girls and involving more women to break taboos related to women’s health.

3. The rise of social enterprise.

Many women are acknowledging the effect of menstruation taboos and experiencing the hardship that girls are going through in remote areas. Not having proper access to hygiene and use of cloth or other materials are affecting the health of women. Many enterprises (like Thinx ) are established with the aim to give back to communities for girls in need of proper sanitation and education. Social enterprises are creating sustainable sources of support and building confidence in our girls.

4. The attention of the media.

Media is playing a vital role in bringing awareness to the public about this issue. It is now common to see large media outlet, sharing information about the practices created around this taboo (and their consequences), such as not allowing girls during their period to go into the kitchen or cook, not letting them see boys, or make them eat last and away from others. Shedding light is the first step towards ending these dangerous rituals.

5. Your involvement.

There are girls in different parts of the world who still don’t go to school during their period. Those girls describe their period as the week of shame. There are many reasons for menstruating girls to be left behind or ignored during that time. Both men and women involvements are needed to end those taboos and to practice a healthy lifestyle for our sisters or daughters. Supporting this cause by volunteering in Nepal or Africa in 2017 can benefit many girls around the world.

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