Photo: Alessandro Biascioli/Shutterstock

9 Differences Between a Local and a Transplant in California

by Hana Nobel Nov 7, 2016

1. Locals grew up composting.

That green bin you drag to the sidewalk is state mandated for compost. Oh, you didn’t grow up composting at home and at restaurants? You must not be from California. Californian locals have been composting their banana peels for years and are waiting for the rest of you to get your act together.

2. Transplants miss the leaves changing and the first snowfall. Locals say, “huh, seasons?”

Sure, it snows in some parts of the state, but most of California is exempt from real seasons — unless you count June gloom or the months that are more foggy than others. It’s sometimes hard to track time without changing leaves or snowfall…but only if you’re not from here.

3. Locals don’t say “Cali”, “’Frisco”, or “San Fran.”

And if a transplant does, they’ll be spotted a mile away.

4. Earthquakes aren’t a big deal to locals.

Locals know the drill, literally. They had drills in California schools, and have been living through mini quakes their whole lives. When transplants feel their first quake, they’re spooked. And they probably have an earthquake preparedness kit ready at all times.

5. Snow is a big deal to locals.

That big white stuff falling from the sky is amazing! California natives usually have to drive to Mammoth, Big Bear, or Tahoe to find a winter wonderland and it’s seen so rarely that it’s a treat. Most transplants are in California to GTFO of a snow-filled life.

6. Rain is a BIG deal to locals.

California has been in a drought for years, so when it rains, it’s a big deal. Locals will either get excited about the rain, complain about driving in it, or complain about it affecting plans…which are usually outdoors. Transplants already know how to drive in the rain, so NBD.

7. A local will never ask, “OMG, what movies have been filmed here?”

Because movies are filmed everywhere. And famous people are everywhere. Get over it, transplant.

8. Locals are friendly.

Really friendly. Like, they-smile-at-you-on-the-street-friendly. Sometimes the friendliness is a little much to handle for transplants…especially those that come from New York.

9. Locals are used to having organic/vegetarian/vegan/gluten-free options everywhere.

It’s easy to accommodate your dietary needs in California. Sometimes it feels like everyone has them. Locals are used to being accommodated. Transplants who come with a gluten allergy or don’t eat meat are usually shocked about how easy it is to eat in the great state.

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