Photo: ebin francis/Shutterstock

Where to Travel in 2025 Based on Your Astrological Sign

Travel Culture
by Haley Comet Oct 21, 2024

As a professional astrologer, I consider it my job to prepare clients for the dominant themes their lives will have in store in the near future, as reflected by the planetary shifts and transits. I think of checking astrology signs before setting off on a trip like viewing a weather forecast — why wouldn’t you want to know what’s ahead so you can prepare accordingly?

Different signs may find different experiences align best with what they are moving through, cosmically. People in signs who have more challenging transits may benefit from visiting more serene locales that are conducive for lots of rest and relaxation. People in other signs have more growth-oriented, adventurous energies aligning for them in 2025, so a travel destination that promotes more adrenaline and trailblazing may feel more in alignment. Tuning into your astrology helps you align to what your soul will crave in the year ahead and beyond, so you can truly feel like your trip is written in the soul.

Skip to your sign:

June looks particularly prosperous and expansive for travel. with a Jupiter cazimi (when the planet aligns with the sun) on June 24, Jupiter entering Cancer on June 9, and a Sagittarius (the sign of travel) full moon on June 11.

In the first portion of 2025 (from January 1 through June 9), Jupiter is in Gemini, which may boost short distance trips to local towns and locales that do not require getting on a plane. Uranus, the planet of all things unexpected, will also enter this sector of the sky from July 2025 onward, which can bring unusual events playing out in shorter journeys.

Another trend to expect for 2025 travels is a focus on revisiting the locations of one’s roots. This is due to Jupiter (the planet of travel) entering the sign of Cancer (the sign of home, roots, and ancestry) in June. This can lead to a drive among travelers to prioritize trips that allow them to connect deeper to their heritage. There also could be a boost in travel to destinations with a deep history and old architecture, as Cancer also governs history.

Neptune shifting from Pisces to Aries may also affect the priorities of travelers in 2025. Neptune has been in Pisces since 2011, which can influence jetsetters to flock to more spiritual locations. Neptune moves to Aries in late March, which may lead to the collective romanticizing of trailblazing new locations, idealizing adrenaline-laced adventures, and memorializing more rugged landscapes and terrains.

Zodiac wheel with symbols and constellation stick figure patterns against night sky

Photo: New Africa/Shutterstock

2025 travel destinations based on astrological elements

Each sign within the zodiacal wheel is associated with a different element, which helps us make sense of why the sign is the way that it is. You are not just one element — you’ll have to look at your full birth chart and get a sense of the dominant element representative within your energy. Tuning into the element that is the most strongly reflected in your natal chart can help you align yourself to circumstances, people, and places that align best with your natural constitution.

Fire signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Fire governs life force energy, passion, and activity. With strong fire energy reflected in your celestial blueprint, you may be more drawn to travel experiences that are stimulating, with lots of activity, adventures and movement. You can find you get bored in places that are too slow or too off the beaten path.

Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Earth in astrology is associated with the senses: what we can see, taste, touch, smell, and hear. If you have earth featured heavily in your astrology, you may be drawn to travel experiences that speak to the senses — serene nature sights, delicious food, and indulgent spa experiences.

Air signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Air corresponds to the realm of communication, intellect, and the mind. If you have this element featured in your chart, you may find that travel experiences built around learning are a natural fit for you. Book trips to places that feature rich history for you to learn about, informative museums for you to explore, and cultures that are new to you.

Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Water aligns to the emotional, spiritual experience of being a human. Sites that hold spiritual significance for you may be powerful for you to explore. Having this element prominently featured indicates you’re a deep soul, and crave that same depth from your travels. You may also gravitate to places that are near a body of water, which can help refresh and restore your energy stores.

Where to travel in 2025 based on your zodiac sign

Your houses are dictated in your chart by your rising sign. Your rising sign is the most influential for your 2025 travel recommendations, as these forecasts were written with house transits in mind and will be the most accurate look at what influences you may experience in the year ahead. Secondarily, you can consider your sun sign (as in solar houses). The themes expressed by this sign may also be felt, just to a more subtle level.

Aries: Fairbanks, Alaska

Northern lights, Aurora, Fairbanks, Alaska

Photo: youli zhao/Shutterstock

Ever the adventurer, you love embarking upon adventures in places that feel wild, rugged, and unexplored. What better location in the year 2025 than Fairbanks, a place to indulge in the wonders of nature and take in the midnight sun or the northern lights. Your trailblazing spirit will love exploring Glacier Bay National Park, or embarking on a flightseeing tour to fully take in the beauty of the terrain. Your bold nature aligns well with the elements you may endure in Alaska depending on time of year that you travel, but the Alaskan wilderness should renew and reinvigorate your energy stores.

The more serene scenery of Alaska aligns beautifully with the horoscope of rest and recuperation aligning for you in the upcoming year’s astrology. Last year, you had eclipses in your sign, which could have led to some dramatic transformations and shifts. In 2025, North Node will transit your twelfth house of solitude and Jupiter will enter your fourth house of emotions — both influences that may make you feel more inclined to relax, withdraw your energy, and recharge. Neptune will enter your sign late March, which could make you more sensitive to the world around you and more inclined to seek out spiritually renewing experiences. Your ruling planet, Mars, will be retrograde the first two months of the year, a time to prioritize resting and recuperating rather than traveling. You may also want to avoid traveling May through September, when the planet of responsibility and discipline enters your sign, bringing enhanced pressures on your life. Consider booking a trip for early December, to grab hold of the adventurous energy of your ruling planet in your ninth house of travel.

Taurus: Zanzibar, Tanzania

Aerial view of the sailboat on blue sea, empty white sandy beach, umbrellas at sunset. Summer in Zanzibar. Tropical scenery with boat, ocean with waves, green palms, sky. Top drone view. Exotic

Photo: Denis Belitsky/Shutterstock

As an Earth sign, you live your life through your senses, and what a treat to indulge all of your senses via a trip to Zanzibar. You are known as the foodie of the zodiac, so expect to thrive embarking upon a spice tour in Zanzibar to learn more about the spices this island is known for: cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon, pepper. Don’t forget to stock up on spices at the Darajani Market. With Saturn and North Node transiting your eleventh house of friendships and communities, you may find you’re inclined to host many a dinner table in 2025 — the perfect time to share delightful cuisine and stories from your Tanzanian adventure with your guests.

Now, Taurus, with Jupiter transiting the third house from June onward this year, you’re more open to learning in the year 2025. But it’s in your nature to languidly luxuriate in between expeditions — Zanzibar has you covered with beautiful white beaches for you to bask in the sunshine and take in the beauty of the Indian ocean. Consider booking a trip the last week of the year to bring hold of the celestial focus on your ninth house of travel.

Gemini: Isle of Skye, Scotland

Old Man of Storr rock formation on Isle of Skye, Scotland

Photo: Pajor Pawel/Shutterstock

The eternal student of the zodiac, Geminis are always looking for pockets around the globe to investigate, learn, and discover. This desire within can be even more pronounced with Jupiter transiting Gemini in the first half of the year, bringing to the surface the desire within you to see new sights and learn new things. Consider planning a trip to Isle of Skye, where you can hike the mountainous landscape, take in medieval castles, tour the Fairy Pools, and spot the wildlife of the region to invigorate your curious nature.

While the planet of travel, expansion, and higher learning may have you inclined to blossom into new territories of your life, there is an immense pressure building within the arena of your chart governing career, public persona ,and reputation, with Saturn and North Node transiting your tenth house. This can lead to exciting gains and growth within your professional world, but you may be feeling more drained from the extra responsibility placed on you. You get a break from the planetary pressure May 25 through September 1 when Saturn (briefly) enters Aries, shifting the focus from the professional grind. Take advantage of this break from Saturn (while still making the most of Jupiter in your sign) by booking a trip late May or early June.

Cancer: Placencia, Belize

The scenic beaches of Placencia in the Stann Creek District of southern Belize

Photo: Wirestock Creators/Shutterstock

You feel more adventurous, more open to life, and more inclined to put yourself out there in the path of new opportunities and new locations from June onward in the year 2025. This is because Jupiter — the planet of travel, expansion, and adventure — will shift from your twelfth house of what’s hidden into the first house of identity, indicating a distinct tonal shift from your hermit era into an era of confidence and visibility. Take charge of this optimistic, exploratory energy by booking a trip to Placencia, a seaside village in Belize that will provide you the opportunity for all sorts of eye-opening adventures. Choose to climb a Mayan ruin, go snorkeling, hike through a rainforest — all in the same day, if you wish. Seize this open-minded and open-hearted Jupiterian influence.

While you may be open to more adventures and expeditions, the energy urges you to be cautious when it comes to your planning. Saturn, for most of the year, is transiting through the sector of your chart governing travel, which can bring delays and obstructions to your expeditions. Ensure that your travel documentation is in place and your travel plans are airtight. Saturn does briefly leave this section of your chart from May 25 to September 1, which presents a lovely opportunity for more seamless travel. Consider booking a trip around August 11 when the two benefics, Venus and Jupiter, meet up in your first house of self and identity. You may find you are feeling more inclined to seek out beauty, excellence, and adventure with these planets supporting you.

Leo: Waiheke Island, New Zealand

Vineyard on the hillside, Waiheke island in Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand

Photo: Naska Raspopina/Shutterstock

Ruled by the sun, you may be drawn to sun-soaked destinations that allow you to bask like the zodiacal lion you are. Consider penciling in a trip to Waiheke Island for beautiful beaches, pristine gulf views, and stunning olive groves and vineyards. Balance more adventurous activities like zip lining and kayaking with more sensual experiences like indulging in local oysters and the world-class wine of the region to honor both your adventurous fire sign nature and your desire to indulge in the regal, finer things in life.

When it comes to when to book, you may want to grab hold of the more sociable energies aligning for you in the first portion of the year, with Jupiter wrapping up its journey in Gemini. The latter portion of the year may prompt more introspection, contemplation, and solitude with Jupiter entering your twelfth house, which can be helpful in peaceful locations where you can hear yourself think. Neptune in Aries will influence your travel expeditions from March 2025 until 2039, which can make you feel more inclined to visit spiritual destinations. Grab hold of this more idealized, dreamy energy with your travels by booking a trip near May 2, when Venus aligns with Neptune in the travel sector of your chart.

Virgo: Crete, Greece

Rethymno city at Crete island in Greece. Aerial view of the old venetian harbor and Venetian Fortezza Castle

Photo: Sakis Papadopoulos/Shutterstock

As a Mercury-ruled sign, you are an intelligent, curious soul who wants to make the most of your trips by learning all you possibly can as you adventure. What better destination than Crete, where you can take in the ancient ruins and fascinating history of the Minoan civilization. Plan to tour the Palace of Knossos and Heraklion Archaeological Museum to learn all you can. As the grounded Earth sign you are, you have a special affinity for nature, and Crete boasts quite a lot of it. There are hikes at the Samaria Gorge, sunbathing at the Balos Lagoon, and awe-inspiring sunsets and picturesque canyons across the island.

When it comes to your 2025 travels and plans, know that your year ahead may be a bit more dramatic with the eclipses landing in your sign. Having South Node in your sign may prompt quite a bit of soul searching and contemplating who you are outside of who you’ve been before. Consider booking a trip to support this soul searching in late April and May to take advantage of the planetary concentration in the arena of your chart governing travel and spirituality.

Libra: Kerala, India

Varkala beach in Kerala, India

Photo: Florian Augustin/Shutterstock

As the sign of the scales, you are drawn to environments and places that promote the balance, peace, and beauty you thrive within. Kerala has a little bit of everything where you can balance more adventurous activities like houseboat cruises with mentally stimulating experiences like learning about the local cultural heritage and healing Ayurvedic treatments. Since your sign is notoriously a bit indecisive, Kerala features many different experiences and options for you to spend your time.

You’ve had a trying time last year with the eclipses in your sign, which could have led to challenges around your relationships and partnerships. In 2025, the focus shifts to your wellness: your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being and healing (so beautifully aligned with the experience you would find in Kerala). You may find your trips in 2025 have some surprises and shockwaves in store, especially if you plan for after July 7, with Uranus entering Gemini (the sector of your chart governing travel and higher learning). Uranus governs all things unexpected and electrifying, so you may find that your trips are interesting (but exciting) detours. You will most certainly have some interesting travel tales to relay. Uranus can be exciting, but not the most stable, so perhaps book a trip in the first half of the year to avoid any detours you’re not prepared for. The Gemini new moon on May 26 can be a beautiful time to open yourself up to new places and new learnings.

Scorpio: Dampier Archipelago, Australia

Sandy Pilbara Beach with summer blue skies

Photo: Franklin64/Shutterstock

You’re a deep soul diver, and you like to plunge into the depths where many others fear. Your investigative soul may feel magnetized to Australia’s Dampier Archipelago, a less traveled location that is deeply enriching. This island is more remote, so you can fully enjoy your privacy as you take in the beauty of the land. Soothe your water sign heart by taking in the coral reefs, sponge gardens, and plentiful abundance of fish.

2025’s astrology has never been so aligned for you to travel and adventure to new places and to unearth new wisdom, with the planet of travel entering the arena of your chart governing travel from June 9 onward. Consider booking close to June 24 to enjoy the Jupiter cazimi aligning in your ninth house, creating a celestial spotlight on adventure and exploration.

Sagittarius: Hanoi, Vietnam

The Temple of Literature Van Mieu in Hanoi, Vietnam.

Photo: Framalicious/Shutterstock

As the quintessential adventurer of the zodiac, you are always looking to embark on new adventures to explore new-to-you sides of the globe. There is a perpetual desire within every Sagittarian to expand into new dimensions, whether that shows up within academia, travel opportunities, or spiritual quests. Sagittarius is known for a deep appreciation for culture and foreign lands. As you learn and adventure in Hanoi, delight in delectable street food, take in the robust Old Quarter, and soak up the temples.

While that Sagittarian wanderlust is always alive within you, there is a distinct focus in 2025’s astrology around prioritizing your emotional state, home life, and inner world. Consider booking a trip between May and September, when Saturn leaves the sector of your chart governing home life and may make you feel more free to book a trip. A particular opportunity for travel lands for you in August, when a majority of the planets are concentrated in the realm of life governing travel.

Capricorn: El Chaltén, Argentina

This stream flows from the Cascada del Salto near El Chaltén, Argentina, in Los Glaciares National Park. It offers stunning natural scenery amidst Patagonian wilderness.

Photo: LeeSensei/Shutterstock

You are an ambitious soul, but with the current cosmic alignments, you may be feeling more inclined to prioritize the matters of your life that the outer world cannot see: matters of the soul, the family, and the home. You are a goal-setting, go-getter sign, but this year, you may be setting your sights on goals that are more intrinsically driven. Consider booking a trip to El Chaltén to indulge in some of the most incredible trekking in the world. Climb new heights and let the perspectives you may find on your ascent give you inspiration around what other “heights” you are inclined to reach.

With your ruling planet, Saturn, entering your fourth house of home for a brief stay mid year, you may find you are more inclined to invest your energy into being a homebody. Book September 2025 to enjoy the planetary concentration within your ninth house of travel and higher learning while experiencing a temporary relief of pressure in domestic matters, courtesy of Saturn in Aries.

Aquarius: Oslo, Norway

Oslo, Norway - August 2, 2024: Long exposure shot before sunset of the Oslo Opera House and the Munch museum along the Oslo Fjord in the Bjørvika area of the center of Oslo

Photo: Simon van Hemert/Shutterstock

You are the humanitarian of the zodiac, so you may find you are inclined to travel to new locales that align with your beliefs and the world you believe in. Consider traveling to Oslo, a city that is committed to producing no greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. Additionally, this city will align with your curious, intelligent air sign nature with its wide variety of museums. Learn from the Fram Museum, Vigeland Museum, Viking Ship Museum, Akershus Fortress, or the Norsk Folkemuseum, to name a few.

Within the first portion of the year and Jupiter transiting your fifth house, you may find you are more inclined toward fun, creativity, and self-expression. Grab hold of this energy by planning a trip around the Libra full moon on April 12. This lunation spotlights your ninth house (the arena of the chart governing travel), making for a meaningful opportunity to see some new sights and contemplate some new viewpoints.

Pisces: Koh Phan Gan, Thailand

Haad Rin beach in Koh Phangan island gulf of Thailand famous destination full moon party south east Asia

Photo: crowley production/Shutterstock

You’ve been a main character of recent astrology, and that continues in 2025. With eclipses and Saturn in your sign, you may be feeling a bit burnt out from all of the changes that the cosmos has in store for you. What better place to relax and refresh your energy than beautiful Koh Phan Gan. The jungle can ground you, the scooters can bring some adventure, and the beaches will restore your water sign soul. Of course, Pisceans are no stranger to a party, and Koh Phan Gan has no shortage of opportunities to celebrate and blow off some steam with the famous Full Moon Party, Half Moon Party, and Eden Garden Party, to name a few.

Even with the somewhat stressful cosmos, 2025 is a golden opportunity for you to travel. This is because Jupiter, the planet of expansion and your traditional ruler planet, will enter your ninth house of travel from June 9 onward, leading to soulful experiences when you’re adventuring to new places and in search for a new sense of meaning. While the latter half of the year presents many opportune pockets of time for your trips, consider penciling in a journey around August 12, when Venus and Jupiter meet up in your ninth house. This can lead to pleasurable experiences, beautiful sights, and even potentially romantic opportunities when you are open to adventure. Just plan for trips after August 11 so you avoid Mercury retrograde, thus avoiding any sort of potential travel snafus.

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