Photo: Jean-Philippe Dumais/Reddit

Tourist Captures “Drunk” Eiffel Tower Photo in Panoramic Shot Gone Wrong

by Eben Diskin Oct 22, 2018

If you’ve ever wondered what the Eiffel Tower might look like if it came to life and drank far too much wine (or absinthe), this photo should give you an idea. Jean-Philippe Dumais, a tourist from Quebec, recently attempted to take a panoramic shot of Paris’ famous landmark that resulted in this Dalí-esque distortion of the tower.

Tried to take a panoramic picture of the Eiffel Tower today, it went surprisingly well! from r/pics

Dumais posted the picture on Reddit, with the sarcastic caption: “Tried to take a panoramic picture of the Eiffel Tower today, it went surprisingly well!” Although the picture was simply a panoramic shot gone wrong, Dumais is pleased to have created something completely new, that other Eiffel Tower photographers haven’t captured. “Even though the creation process came to me as an accident,” he told the Press Association, “the final product took me a lot of tries in perfecting a technique that was entirely new.” He added that if he’s learned one thing from this picture, it’s that “even though art always existed and sometimes we may feel that everything has been done once, it is and always will be limitless and everywhere.”

H/T: Fox News

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