Photo: Gianluca Colombi/Shutterstock

Watch: Travel Photographer Exposes the Instagram Vs Reality of Popular European Destinations

Europe News Insider Guides
by Olivia Harden Apr 26, 2022

If you’re a frequent traveler and use Instagram, you’ve probably marveled at some amazing shots and even added a destination or two on your bucket list based on a great photo or exciting reel — 60 percent of Gen Z-ers and 40 percent of millennials use social media for travel purposes, according to a report by the travel company Arrivia. But like other content on Instagram, when it comes to those incredible moments, not everything is as it seems.

Markus Romischer, a 29-year-old travel filmmaker, decided to shed some light on some of the places he’s traveled to in a series called “Insta vs. Reality,” where he’s made over a dozen videos on his TikTok page about what it’s like when he reaches some of those Instagrammable destinations to shoot.

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The truth is tourist attractions will always be crowded. And if a “hidden gem” has made it to your For You page, it’s probably not so hidden anymore. We’re not here to bash every spot you’ve set your sights on. In some cases, it might be worth it to travel far to see some of the sights you already had bookmarked. However, you might want to add some roads less traveled to make sure you’re getting a whole experience.

Instead of trying to make your way to the Swiss giant swing or coaster, a great way to see all that Switzerland has to offer is by train. The ride stops at a number of little towns with lovely views of the country’s mountains and waters that are sure to make for a great photo-op. Or try a road trip to Switzerland’s 12 UNESCO-listed sites.

When visiting Italy, there are so many intriguing day trips away from bigger crowds in Rome and Tuscany. The Tuscia region in central Italy has impressive views, stunning historical architecture, and tasty cuisine. The towns are much less crowded and yet offer an incredible Italian experience.

When you finally decide to upload your vacation photos, you can choose whether or not to be stingy with the details. Hopefully, your “Instagram versus Reality” photos won’t require nearly as much Photoshop.

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