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This Guide to Irish Slang and Insults Will Have You Downing Guinness With the Locals in a Flash

Ireland Languages
by Matador Creators Apr 8, 2022

There are three languages spoken in Ireland: Irish (Gaeilge), Ullans (in Northern Ireland), and English. But don’t think for a second that, because the people of this lovely island speak English, it will be easy for you to befriend the locals. Irish slang words and phrases are ubiquitous, even in polite conversation, so you’ll need to master them to make heads or tails of what’s being said at the pub.

This guide to Irish slang words and phrases, insults, and expressions will assist you in deciphering some of what the locals are saying while in Ireland. It even includes a guide to reading between the lines of what the Irish are really saying when they address you — read it carefully!

Irish slang words and phrases and how to use them

The state of you!

Meaning: You’re a disgrace
Example of usage and translation: “Oh my god, she was an absolute state. Did you see her taking a piss in front of the Garda station?” = “Oh my god, she was a disgrace. Did you see her going to the toilet in front of the police station?”

I’m grand

Meaning: I’m alright
Explanation: Often the answer to “How are you?”


Meaning: Party
Explanation: This is a blanket term for any kind of social gathering that has the potential to get a little loose.
Example of usage and translation: “Fair auld session last night there lads, great to get the lock in” = “Great night of merriment and music last night boys, delighted to be able to stay after hours in the pub”

He’s sound

Meaning: He’s cool


Meaning: Kissing with the tongue
Examples of usage and translation: “Here, will ye shift me mate?” = “Hey, will you kiss my friend?” / “Yer man’s a great shift” = “That guy’s a really good kisser”

What’s the story? / What’s the craic?

Meaning: How are you? / What’s new?

Yer man / Yer one

Meaning: That guy / that girl
Example of usage and translation: “You know yer man, the ginger fella who’s friends with Cathal” = “You know, that ginger guy who’s friends with Cathal”

I’m gee-eyed / locked / off my head / legless

Meaning: I’m drunk
Note: “Gee” is also a slang term for vagina


Meaning: Good looking person / sex
Examples of usage and translation: “Did ye get the ride off yer one last?” = “Did you have sex with that girl last night?” / “OMG, Brian O’Driscoll is suuuuuuuuuuuuch a ride” = “Brian O’Driscoll is hot”

Christ almighty / Ah, Jaysus / Ah, the Lord / Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!

Meaning: Oh my God!
Explanation: In Ireland, it’s okay to use the Lord’s name in vain to express your frustration.

I’m sickened / raging

Meaning: I’m mad / very annoyed

Good man yourself / Good woman yourself!

Meaning: Well done!
Example of usage and translation: “Jaysus, you did well there, good woman yourself!” = “Jesus man, well done, congratulations!”

Would you come on to fuck?

Meaning: Hurry up!


Meaning: Thingy
Example of usage and translation: “Where’s that yoke gone?” = “Where has that random thing gone that I was looking for?”

I gave out to him

Meaning: I told him off / I scolded him

Me mot / Me motzer

Meaning: My girlfriend
Note: You can also refer to a group of females as ‘mots.’


Meaning: Very
Example of usage and translation: “It’s fierce windy out” = “It’s very windy outside”


Meaning: Equivalent the F word
Example of usage and translation: “where’s me bleedin phone?” = “Where my F****** phone?”

Sickner for ya

Meaning: That sucks / How unfortunate for you


Meaning: A person from the country, or basically anyone that comes from anywhere other than Dublin.


Meaning: What culchies call people from Dublin.

A Gaff party

Meaning: A house party

The Jacks

Meaning: The bathroom

The Drinklink

Meaning: An ATM during a night out

You’re the image of massive

Meaning: You look great

I’m going on the lash

Meaning: I’m going to get drunk

He’s giving it socks

Meaning: He’s really going for it
Example of usage and translation: “Yer man was giving it socks on the dance floor last night” = “That guy was dancing non-stop last night”

I will in me hole / hoop / arse

Meaning: I will not


Meaning: Bad or terrible
Example of usage and translation: “You’re a poxy bleedin liar” = “You’re a terrible F****** liar”

Scarlet for ya

Meaning: How embarrassing for you.
Note: The complete version of this slang phrase is “scarlet for your ma for having ya” which translates as “You did something extremely embarrassing and should be disowned.”

Northern Irish slang words and phrases

Quit yer gurning

Meaning: Stop moaning / complaining
Note: ‘To gurn’ is to complain about a person.

Houl yer whisht

Meaning: Be quiet

I’ll run ye over

Meaning: This is not a threat, but a person offering a lift to another person.

She’s up to high doh

Meaning: She’s overly excited
Example of usage and translation: “She’s seen Jamie Dornan walking around Belfast and now she up to high doh.”

It’s banjaxed

Meaning: It’s damaged beyond repair

I’m foundered

Meaning: I’m cold

A tongin

Meaning: A scolding
Example of usage and translation: He spent the whole evening drinking at the pub. He’s going home to a tongin from the wife.

Irish insults you’ll never hear anywhere else

She’s a geebag

Meaning: She is very annoying
Explanation: An insult that translates literally as ‘a bag of vaginas.’

He’s a gobshite

Meaning: He is an idiot

He’s an eejit

Meaning: He is an idiot
Explanation: The proper way to pronounce ‘idiot’ in Ireland.
Note: In Nothern Ireland, you’ll hear the insult ‘Buck eejit’, which means just about the same thing.

Little shitehawk!

Meaning: Little brats /little shits
Explanation: shitehawk can be used affectionately.

She’s a weapon / wagon

Meaning: She’s a mad b*tch

She’s pure haunty

Meaning: she’s an unfortunate looking girl wearing a lot of make-up to try and cover it up.

Funny phrases and expressions you’ll need to understand the locals

He can talk the hind legs off a donkey

Meaning: He is very chatty / He can talk at length
Example of usage and translation: “God yer one would talk the hind legs off a donkey” = “That girl would bore you to death with her incessant talk”

To score the face off someone

Meaning: To kiss someone passionately
Example of usage and translation: “My mouth is red raw, he was scoring the face off me for hours at Coppers” = “I have sandpapered my skin off my passionately kissing someone for hours in the local meat market”

Would you ever stop acting the maggot?

Meaning: Stop acting up
Note: Most often said by one’s mother, it basically means stop doing what you’re doing right now, or suffer the consequences.

All over the shop

Meaning: A mess
Example of usage and translation: “Me hair’s all over the shop” = “My hair is a mess”

He’s gone for his tea

Meaning: He’s dead

She’s away with the fairies

Meaning: She’s little bit mad

You could skin a cat out there

Meaning: It’s very cold outside

Ultimate Irish translator: Things Irish people say and what they really mean

If you’re ever in Ireland, give me a shout!

Note: A lie. We actually do not want a casual acquaintance arriving on our doorstep expecting to be put up and shown the town.

Sure we’ll just go for one pint

Translation: I’m not planning on getting absolutely hammered, but one might very well turn into 15.

Ah, it’s just up the road

Note: This could mean anything. From a few houses to several miles away.

Sure the rain will stop in five minutes

Note: A show of optimism that relies on nothing but hope. Nobody knows when the rain will stop in Ireland.

Ah shite, I never got round to it

Translation: I will never get around to it. Ever. I can’t be arsed.

I’ll do it now in a minute

Translation: I will never do it

I will yeah

Translation: I won’t

Irish-up your vocabulary

  • Thanks a million = Thank you very much
  • chipper = Local greasy food stand where you can get French fries
  • Bacon = Rasher
  • Sliced bread = Sliced pan
  • The messages = Groceries
  • The press = The cupboard
  • Minerals = Soft / fizzy drinks
  • Dilutable = Non-alcoholic concentrated syrup used to make beverages. It’s often called ‘squash’ or ‘cordial’ in other countries. Ribena is a blackcurrant dilutable very popular in Ireland.
  • Courtin = Dating (term commonly used in Northern Ireland)

This article is the combined work of four writers: Sorcha O’Higgins, Tara Povey, Sarah Arnold, and Niall Colbert.

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