Public transit is stressful, especially in a city as hectic as New York. Luckily, The Macallan is here to help numb that stress. Starting today and running through Friday, July 27, Macallan is making New Yorkers’ commutes a little more interesting by offering free drams of its single-malt whisky to weary travelers at Grand Central Terminal, ahead of National Scotch Whisky Day on Friday.
The Macallan Is Giving Away Free Scotch to Commuters in Honor of National Scotch Whisky Day
While you’re there, you should try on the VR headset, as well. The headset will transport you to the distillery’s home in Speyside, Scotland, and give you a chance to take a brief journey through the distilling process before returning to your less-interesting trip to work.
When you don the VR headset and enter a giant cube, you’ll immediately feel a nice, soothing breeze and smell fresh grass. A story about Easter Elchies Estate in Speyside, where Macallan has been based since 1824, will unfold in 4D, and you’ll have a bird’s-eye view of the scenic landscape. Then, in truly interactive fashion, you’ll have complete control over which parts of the distillery to “visit” by waving your hands.
To take advantage of the VR distillery experience — and of course, the free scotch — visit Grand Central Terminal any day (or every day) before Friday, July 27.
H/T: Condé Nast Traveler