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Anonymous Person Pays for 70 Homeless People to Stay in Hotel Rooms to Escape the Frigid Chicago Weather

by Eben Diskin Jan 31, 2019

The cold snap hitting the US right now is bad for the average Chicagoan, but for those without homes, who must sleep on the streets, it could be downright fatal.

That’s why a group of homeless people had set up tents and blankets in a makeshift camp on Roosevelt Road in Chicago, using propane tanks to keep warm amid the frigid temperatures. But when one of the propane tanks exploded, the Chicago Fire Department confiscated the many tanks found for safety purposes and prepared to move the group to a Salvation Army warming center. That is, until the city received an anonymous call from a good Samaritan offering to pay for a hotel for the 70 homeless people for the rest of the week.

“Isn’t that wonderful?” said Jackqueline Rachev, spokesperson for the Salvation Army. “At least they’re warm and they’re safe.”

The identity of the good Samaritan is not known, but the hotel — also unnamed — is located on the city’s South Side.

H/T: Chicago Tribune

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