Photo: The Morgan Library & Museum/YouTube

The Most Epic J.R.R. Tolkien Exhibit Is Coming to New York City and We’re Geeking Out

New York City News Museums Entertainment
by Eben Diskin Jan 18, 2019

Fans of The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and The Silmarillion are in for a treat. The largest collection ever assembled of J.R.R. Tolkien’s original illustrations, manuscripts, and maps is coming to New York City’s Morgan Library and Museum from January 25 to May 12.


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Drawing from the vast collections at Oxford’s Bodleian Library, Marquette University Libraries, the Morgan Library, and private lenders, the exhibition, titled “Tolkien: Maker of Middle-earth” is sure to make fans of Tolkien’s work weak in the knees. It will feature amazing original illustrations of Smaug the dragon and Sauron’s Dark Tower, as well as family photographs and memorabilia.


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The exhibition will also be accompanied by various lectures, symposiums, and workshops, with topics such as “Tolkien and the Visual Image” and “Map Your Own Fantasy World.”

In preparation for this unique celebration of the creative genius of Tolkien, we suggest you pick up the books again and stay up for 10 hours straight marathoning the LOTR trilogy — it will put you in the right mood for this epic exhibition.

H/T: Open Culture

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