Photo: ikrahn/Instagram

The World’s Largest Snow Maze Is in Canada and You Can Visit

Canada News
by Eben Diskin Mar 7, 2019

When winter rolls around, some people decide to lock themselves in, while others spend the season building snowmen, snow fort, and, apparently, snow mazes.

It took six and a half days of work a week for the last three weeks and 300 truck loads of snow, but Canadian Clint Masse did it: he built the world’s largest snow maze and broke the Guinness record. You might say that Masse’s entire life has been preparing him for this moment — for 21 years he has designed and erected corn mazes on his property in St. Adolphe, Manitoba.

It cost him $42,676 to pay for labor, trucks, artificial snow, generators, and fuel, and it took his team three weeks to complete. The maze has walls that are 6.5 feet tall and two feet thick. There are also statues scattered throughout the maze, and fire pits to keep visitors warm.

The record he was trying to beat was set by a snow maze in Fort William Historical Park in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Although the task proved daunting, Masse shattered the record with his 30,021-square-foot maze. Navigating through the maze takes about 30 minutes, and last weekend it attracted around 1,000 visitors per day.

The Guinness record means a lot for Masse’s family, who had a bad October harvest. He said to CNN, “The morning I received the email from Guinness, I immediately checked online and saw the record. It was a pretty exciting moment for our family and for Manitoba.”

If you’re keen to brave the Manitoba cold and visit the snow maze, check out the admission fees and hours of operation on the official website.


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