The New Zealand landscape...
constantly produced amazing moments. Oftentimes photographs do not do a moment justice, but looking back at this one I still feel the awe and wonder I felt as we watched the sun rise above the distant hills.
Searching for waves...
in New Zealand led us down many unmarked roads. Sometimes we would find surf and other times we would find shepherds tending to their flock. None of them seemed to mind seeing us, though, and this one actually talked our ears off for quite some time.
This red-steepled church...
is a landmark in Vik, Iceland. It stands alone on a hilltop looking down upon the city. While there are many churches that look very similar throughout Iceland, the location and backdrop of Vik's church is one of the most striking.
As we walked...
down the beach to surf, we weaved in an out of groups of fishermen. They paid little regard to us as we slowly maneuvered around their nets and piles of fish, their priority being the task at hand.
A man in an Indian market...
stares out of his shop window. He was so full of life and joy that it was hard not to smile along with him.
India is a place...
that you travel to and you are guaranteed to see something you never thought you would. The culture is so untouched that moments like these were just part of another walk through the town.
Growing up in La Chureca, ...
a city dump in Nicaragua, is something I couldn't imagine. Just visiting was an eye-opening experience. Yet, even as the rain began to pour on us, the children were always full of smiles.
The Japanese people...
are some of the most hospitable I've met while traveling. We visited an indigo dye factory, where this woman works day in and out with the dyes. Her hands show her occupation as she thanks us for visiting.
It seems every time...
I travel to Iceland, the landscape has changed and something new shows itself. On this trip the mountains were blanketed with snow as the sun glared above between the storms.
On a trip...
down into Mexico, Keith Malloy found no trouble occupying time on flat days. He joined a group of local fishermen and set out on the sea to do some squid fishing.
The kids in Dubai...
were so curious about my camera. They would all gather around and mimic me taking photos. They all wanted to use my camera, and if they weren't able to they just pretended they had one in front of their face. Here one of the children pretends to take pictures of me as I captured a few of him.