MAINE DOESN’T NECESSARILY call attention to itself. It’s a pretty big state, but not a populous one. There’s intense and beautiful wilderness, but it won’t exactly swallow you whole. Maine just is…and maybe that’s its biggest draw.
There’s a message on the state welcome signs that sums it up: “The way life should be.” A Maine life is a life that’s connected to nature. It’s a life that’s unpretentious and a life that’s independent.
That message is enough to bring in millions of visitors every year — far more than the 1.33 million state residents. And many of those visitors return home wishing they could live in a place like Maine year-round. Why? What do people do on a trip to Maine, and why is it so impactful? The Maine Thing Quarterly‘s Chasing the Sun issue profiles one such trip, and through stories and images like those included below, shows exactly why time spent in Maine is “the way life should be.”