THIS IS HOW Lauren, aka laurenq, defends her status as Matador’s destination expert on San Francisco:
Exhibit A: I was 17 before I learned that people outside of the Bay Area don’t say “hella.”
Exhibit B: I can tell you how to get anywhere in the Bay Area on public transit.
Exhibit C: I know which taquerias have the best burritos.
Exhibit D: I spent my high school Halloweens partying with drag queens in the Castro.
Exhibit E: I wouldn’t live anywhere else in the United States.
Exhibit F: As Matador’s SF Expert, I can now say “I represent the Yay Area” with no irony whatsoever.
We didn’t really need convincing, though. Matador was happy to add her to our crew of international destination experts after working with her to produce content for several Matador Network sites. Check out some of her work below: