Photo: VanderWolf Images/Shutterstock

What Are the World's Most Photographed Cities?

Insider Guides Culture
by Hal Amen May 6, 2009
A recently published list of the world’s most photographed cities begs the question, “What draws the shutterbugs to these urban destinations?” has uncovered the world’s 10 most photographed cities. Or, at least, they’ve conducted a search of Flickr photos and determined which 10 cities are tagged most often by site users.

You can check out the list at the source, but here’s what made the cut:

10. Toronto
9. Barcelona
8. Berlin
7. Seattle
6. Tokyo
5. Chicago
4. San Francisco
3. Paris
2. New York City
1. London

It’s impossible to know which cities are actually photographed most frequently (I’d wager Beijing), but a quick perusal through my own electronic album seems to put me in the company of the Flickr aficionados — I have around 1,000 shots of London, taken during a quick 10-day visit last September.

What does this list say about the cities on it? Are they more attractive than others, or do they simply host more tourists (or more Flickr members)?

Do you agree with the results? What cities feature most prominently in your collection? Create your own top 10 in the comments!

Community Connection:

For tips on how to bust out killer travel photos, read up on Ryan Libre’s Studies in Travel Photography: Perspective, Timing, and Themes.

We can’t all get the perfect shot all the time. For the post-processors out there, here’s a rundown of Free Photo Editing Software to Enhance Your Travel Photography.

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