Watch: Iceland From Above

Iceland Photo + Video + Film
by Ben Horton Apr 12, 2017

OFFERING a new perspective is what being a photographer is all about. It’s hard to do when visiting a place like Iceland where the vast majority of visitors are carrying expensive cameras. It can be frustrating as a professional photographer to see that someone else was “there” at a better time than me, and even though they aren’t a professional, they have better photos than I do.

Drones have really opened up new possibilities to those of us who feel that pressure, so I took mine with me to Iceland with a focus on getting aerial photographs. It fits in the same amount of space as a regular camera, so it’s easy to take with me. In between shots, I let it record video, almost as an afterthought. What came out of it though, is something that I’m really proud of. It captures the feeling that I had in Iceland, and that’s really what my goal is, to show a feeling.

This video was filmed on a DJI Mavic, and a DJI Osmo

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