The World According to Google

by Hal Amen Dec 31, 2013

GOOGLE SEARCH DATA can be used for all sorts of beneficial purposes, like tracking the spread of a flu virus. And then there’s this: typing in a country name and seeing what ridiculous stereotypes or other gibberish is generated by the Autocomplete tool.

Below are the results I got for 40 of the world’s most populous nations on December 17, 2013, conducted on a clean browser in Maine, USA. Countries are listed in alphabetical order, with the Autocompleted text in italics. Behold the wonder of our hive mind:

* * *
American flag

Americans love to fight.
Americans are not stupid.
Americans can’t find America on a map.

Argentine flag

Argentines are Italians.
Argentines hate Chileans.
Argentines don’t like Messi.

Australian flag

Australians are getting fatter.
Australians love to gamble.
Australians hate Justin Bieber.

Belgian flag

Belgians were the bravest.
Belgians are coming.
Belgians make such lovely buns.

Brazilian flag

Brazilians are the worst.
Brazilians don’t tip.
Brazilians should speak Spanish.

British flag

British people have bad teeth stereotype.
British people love to queue.
British people can’t rap.

Canadian flag

Canadians have the best bus stops.
Canadians shouldn’t gloat.
Canadians love to travel.

Chilean flag

Chileans are white.
Chileans love mayonnaise.
Chileans hate Peruvians.

Chinese flag

Chinese people are weird.
Chinese people love KFC.
Chinese people can read minds.

Colombian flag

Colombians are the best.
Colombians love to party.
Colombians don’t need visa for Turkey.

Dutch flag

Dutch people are tall.
Dutch people love gold.
Dutch people don’t get married.

Egyptian flag

Egyptians had 50 words for sand.
Egyptians love cats.
Egyptians want to destroy pyramids.

Ethiopian flag

Ethiopians have good hair.
Ethiopians don’t consider themselves black.
Ethiopians can run.

Filipino flag

Filipinos are resilient.
Filipinos love karaoke.
Filipinos have souls.

French flag

French people can’t say squirrel.
French people hate peanut butter.
French people have affairs.

German flag

Germans want their gold back.
Germans love to insult me.
Germans should be proud.

Indian flag

Indians love to dance.
Indians hate each other.
Indians can’t eat beef.

Indonesian flag

Indonesians don’t have last names.
Indonesians are rude.
Indonesians want closer education links.

Iranian flag

Iranians have beautiful eyes.
Iranians can’t wear blue jeans.
Iranians love America.

Irish flag

Irish people have curly hair.
Irish people love to drink.
Irish people can’t read italics.

Israeli flag

Israelis love Iranians.
Israelis have no manners.
Israelis want peace.

Italian flag

Italians like to argue.
Italians can’t be trusted.
Italians make the best lovers.

Jamaican flag

Jamaicans will dance to anything.
Jamaicans want to be British.
Jamaicans have a lot of jobs.

Japanese flag

Japanese people are fake.
Japanese people like crooked teeth.
Japanese people hate anime.

Kenyan flag

Kenyans are fast.
Kenyans love Obama.
Kenyans don’t always vote tribally.

Korean flag

Koreans love to drink.
Koreans love spam.
Koreans will rule the world.

Mexican flag

Mexicans can’t fight.
Mexicans love to party.
Mexicans have staring problems.

New Zealand flag

New Zealanders love pies.
New Zealanders hate Aussies.
New Zealanders are called Kiwis.

Nigerian flag

Nigerians are intelligent.
Nigerians like big women.
Nigerians have arrived.

Pakistani flag

Pakistanis have big noses.
Pakistanis love songs.
Pakistanis can’t decide.

Peruvian flag

Peruvians are liars.
Peruvians have big heads.
Peruvians love to swoop in and save the day.

Polish flag

Polish people love bowling.
Polish people have small eyes.
Polish people should go home.

Russian flag

Russians love to boogie.
Russians have flat heads.
Russians can’t drive.

South African flag

South Africans love their sport.
South Africans hate the Dutch Kingston Trio lyrics.
South Africans are rude.

Spanish flag

Spaniards love Mexico.
Spaniards can speak English.
Spaniards have a lisp.

Swedish flag

Swedes love to freak.
Swedes hate Norwegians.
Swedish people can’t get AIDS.

Thai flag

Thai people love their king.
Thai people can travel without visa.
Thai people have long last names.

Turkey flag

Turkish people have big noses.
Turkish people love children.
Turkish people want to join EU.

Venezuela flag

Venezuelans are hot.
Venezuelans love to dance.
Venezuelans are upset and Maduro knows it.

Vietnamese flag

Vietnamese people are smart.
Vietnamese people have big eyes.
Vietnamese people love saving face.

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