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California Ordered to Re-Close Bars and Indoor Dining Amid Rising COVID-19 Cases

by Eben Diskin Jul 14, 2020

Like many states, California is experiencing a spike in COVID-19 cases, and that’s setting back efforts to fully reopen the state. During a press conference on Monday, California Governor Gavin Newsom ordered all bars to close and restaurants offering indoor dining to immediately stop seating customers inside. The order also affects wineries, tasting rooms, movie theaters, museums, zoos, and cardrooms. Restaurants are, however, still allowed to offer outdoor dining services.

Earlier this month, Newsom closed indoor restaurants in 19 specific counties viewed as most at-risk, including Los Angeles County. LA County had just reopened indoor dining two weeks prior, but after opening it was clear that many restaurants weren’t following safety guidelines.

In at-risk counties, even more services have been closed. These include gyms, places of worship, nonessential offices, personal care services, hair salons, barbershops, and malls.

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