Photo: Delta

This Interactive Map Shows Where You Can Travel This Winter, and Where You Can’t

by Eben Diskin Nov 19, 2020

Keeping track of which countries have open borders right now, who they’re allowing to visit, and under which circumstances is no easy feat. With national policies changing often, it’s almost impossible to know where and when we’re allowed to travel. To make the process of planning a trip at this very unusual time, Delta has released a new interactive map designed to tell travelers everything they need to know about which countries are open to visitors, and what restrictions they need to keep in mind.

Delta Air Lines world map of all travel restrictions country by country

Photo: Delta

The map allows people to search for destinations both domestic and international, and browse any information that may be relevant for planning a trip. It also provides details about quarantine and testing requirements, travel forms, local health information, and links travelers may need for further details. The map can be accessed online or via the Fly Delta app.

If you’re considering traveling abroad this winter, make sure to check the map regularly for updates.

A version of this article was previously published on June 15, 2020, and was updated on November 19, 2020, with more information.

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