Photo: Skreidzeleu/Shutterstock

National Parks Will Be Completely Free on These Five Days in 2019

United States News National Parks Budget Travel
by Eben Diskin Dec 5, 2018

If your 2019 resolutions include visiting more US national parks, get your planner out. The National Park Service just announced its entry-free dates for the upcoming year.

There are five days in total, during which all of the country’s 418 national parks can be visited at no cost. The waiver only applies to entry fees, and not to other associated park or activity fees such as camping, boating, transportation, or tours. Here are the five entry-free days for 2019:

  • January 21st, 2019 (Martin Luther King Jr. Day)
  • April 20th, 2019 (the first day of National Park Week)
  • August 25th, 2019 (the National Park Service’s birthday)
  • September 28th, 2019 (National Public Lands Day)
  • November 11th, 2019 (Veterans Day)

It’s worth noting that admission to most national parks is free all year round — only 115 parks charge entrance fees, including Grand Canyon National Park, Joshua Tree National Park, and Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. You can also buy the America the Beautiful Pass for $80, which provides unlimited entrance to over 2,000 federal recreation areas.

H/T: REI Co-Op

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