Photo: mariakray/Shutterstock

Woman Banned From Royal Caribbean for Life for Standing on Balcony Railing for Photo

by Eben Diskin Oct 21, 2019

The point of taking photos of yourself in precarious situations is to get attention, but this woman didn’t get the kind of attention she was hoping for. A female passenger on Royal Caribbean’s Allure of the Seas ship was posing for a photo while standing on her balcony railing several stories above the ocean, when she was spotted by a fellow passenger. This passenger, Peter Blosic, couldn’t tell if she was taking a photo or considering jumping, so he snapped a picture of her and alerted the ship’s authorities.

He told CNN, “While on my balcony, I saw the woman climb on her railing. It happened so quickly. Not knowing what her intentions were, I alerted the crew. If I said nothing, and she was going to jump, that would be horrible.”

The crew identified the room, and once the ship docked in Falmouth, Jamaica, the woman and her behind-the-camera partner were removed. Not only that — they were also banned for life from Royal Caribbean.

According to a statement issued by Royal Caribbean, the woman was “recklessly and dangerously posing for a photo by standing on her stateroom balcony railing,” and that “as a result of their actions [they] are now banned for life from sailing with Royal Caribbean.”

For the aspiring Instagram models out there, Royal Caribbean expressly forbids “sitting, standing, lying or climbing on, over or across any exterior or interior railings or other protective barriers.”

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