Photo: August Phunitiphat/Shutterstock

Who Owns the World's Strongest Passports in 2022?

by Morgane Croissant Apr 14, 2021

Passports are our key to seeing the world, but not all passports are equal. Depending on your passport’s country of issuance, you might be able to visit just about every corner of the world without a hitch, or you might be drowning in visa applications.

For the past 16 years, The Henley Passport Index has been ranking the world’s passports according to the number of destinations their holders can access without a visa. Using data from the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the Henley Index looks at 199 passports and compares their ease of travel to 227 destinations. (Note that the index does not take temporary travel restriction into consideration for its ranking.)

In 2022, Japan’s and Singapore’s passports top the ranking, becoming the world’s strongest passports. They allow their holders to visit 192 destinations visa-free.

This year, the world’s weakest passport is Afghanistan’s, with only 26 destinations open to Afghan passport holders without the need for a visa application.

The world’s strongest passports in 2022:

  1. Japan and Singapore (access to 192 countries visa-free)
  2. Germany and South Korea (190)
  3. Finland, Italy, Luxembourg, and Spain (189)
  4. Austria, Denmark, France, Netherlands, and Sweden (188)
  5. Ireland and Portugal (187)
  6. Belgium, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland, UK, and the US (186)
  7. Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, Greece, and Malta (185)
  8. Hungary and Poland (183)
  9. Lithuania and Slovakia (182)
  10. Estonia, Latvia, and Slovenia (181)

Of the 33 strongest passports in the world, 26 are European, including 24 pertaining to the Schengen Area.

The world’s weakest passports in 2022:

111. Afghanistan (access to only 26 countries visa-free)
110. Iraq (28)
109. Syria (29)
108. Pakistan (31)
107. Yemen (33)
106. Somalia (34)
105. Nepal and Palestinian Territory (37)
104. North Korea (39)
103. Bangladesh, Kosovo, and Libya (40)
102. Lebanon, Sri Lanka, Sudan (41)

Beyond the world’s strongest passport ranking, the Henley Passport Index allows you to see which countries you can access without a visa and which ones you need to fill in paperwork for. All you need to do is plug in the country of issuance of your passport on its website. If you’re an American citizen, you may be surprised to learn that a visa is required for you to visit Turkey, India, Vietnam, and another 38 countries throughout the world.

And if your passport is not one of the world’s strongest, you have options. The Henley Index also lists all the countries that will give you citizenship and a passport if you hand them enough cash. Austria, Malta, and Montenegro, among many other countries, offer residence and citizenship through investment programs. If you’re tempted to get yourself a second passport, check out the journey of Egyptian YouTuber Ammar from the channel Yes Theory who recently got himself citizenship from Saint Kits and Nevis for $150,000.

A version of this article was previously published on April 14, 2021, and was updated on January 11, 2022.

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