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Thanksgiving Special: 8 Greatest Eating Contests

by Benita Hussain Nov 23, 2010
In honor of the Thanksgiving holiday, here are a few sporting events that actually encourage you to stuff your face.

FOR OUR US READERS, or those who just like gluttonous feasts, below are some exciting (and sometimes gross) eating contests that you may or may not want to think about before Turkey Day. From bacon to peppers, our list might even inspire some readers to get pumped for next year’s games–training starts this Thursday.

1. Blue Ribbon Bacon Eating Contest–February; Des Moines, Iowa

The fact that there’s a month’s worth of saturated fat on each plate doesn’t seem to matter for those who ingest about three pounds of bacon in five minutes. From the young to old, everyone seems to love that smokey cured meat; last year’s Bacon Festival, during which this contest is held, blew through 1,200 lbs of the stuff. Spectators customarily moan, “Oooooooh, Bacon!” during the event.


2. Isle Black Hawk Rocky Mountain Oyster Eating Contest–August; Black Hawk, Colorado. For those who aren’t familiar with these Rocky Mountain delicacies, imagine ingesting as many deep-fried bull testicles as you can in 10 minutes. It’s a good thing that the top prize of $1,500 makes it one of the International Federation of Competitive Eating ‘s more lucrative contests.

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