6 Videos From New Zealand to Get Your Adrenaline Pumping

New Zealand
by Joshywashington Mar 29, 2011

And what better way to enjoy them than plummeting headlong towards a river, hundreds of feet below? NZ is an adrenaline junkies playground, with an incredible proliferation of adventure activities and opportunities to throw yourself from bridges and cliffs.

Enjoy these 7 videos shot by some of the many thousands of daredevils that flock to New Zealand to face down fear and death and come out on the other side grinning ear to ear.

Red Bull Uncharted trailer – Wingsuit BASE project in NZ by redbull

Adrenaline Queenstown by PureNewZealand

Ryan’s New Zealand Bungy – Nevis by campbellbrewer

Ledge Bungy (bungee) jump in Queenstown, New Zealand by BUNGY54321


Mountain Climbing Mt Sefton New Zealand Alps by craigwigglesworth

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