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Lenguajero's Podcast Contest for Language Lovers

by Sarah Menkedick Mar 26, 2010

Matador is sponsoring a sweet contest for language lovers and learners at the Spanish-English conversation exchange site Lenguajero. If you’ve ever wanted to be an internet language rock star, here’s your chance – read on for more info. Below is the press release from August Flanagan, Lenguajero’s owner: is running a community based audiocast contest in which Spanish and English speakers from all over the world will submit a 4-8 minute long audiocast (mp3 format) about one of these topics:

1. Something interesting in your local culture, local slang, or an
interesting place in your city or country.

2. Your favorite…book, movie, hobby…(you decide).

Members of the Lenguajero community will vote for their favorite audiocasts, and the two winners (one English speaker and one Spanish speaker) will each receive a $75 USD gift card to the winners choice of, iTunes, or
Mercado Libre, as well as several fantastic language learning programs.

Lenguajero will also be offering the winners and runners up the chance to record and publish their own audiocast series that are engaging, informative, and educational.

The contest is running now, and ends at 11:59 p.m. April 16th, 2010. For more contest information, or to submit an entry go to the Lenguajero website.

There are already several fantastic submissions including a great 4 minute tutorial on all the different uses of the word “huevo” in Mexican Spanish.


Yes, readers – that last one was from yours truly and her Mexican partner, testing out their podcast prowess.

The contest rocks as an opportunity to get yourself and your name out there if you have a language learning site, you love learning and exploring languages, or you just want four minutes of fame talking about your favorite movie.

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