Your Travel Experience in 36 Gifs Entertainment by Jordan Blackman Nov 5, 2013 1. How your friends think you made the decision to leave the cushy corporate world… 2. How you really made the decision… 3. Actually, this was your first idea… 4, 5, 6, 7. Telling your friends & family that you’ve decided to quit your job and go traveling around the world… Mom’s reaction Dad’s reaction Romantic interest’s reaction Crazy uncle’s reaction 8. Quitting day. Okay, this is scary! 9. During your last two weeks once you’ve already quit, time seems to move so slowly… 10. And then, finally, your last day at the office! 11. Trying to get your god-damned travel visas in order… 12. Finally achieving your travel budget savings goal! 13. Time for you to leave the country! 14. How it feels when you’re spending a new foreign currency…. 15. How people expect Americans to act abroad… 16. How Americans really act abroad… 17. Your expectation of how your trip will change your life. 18. After you’ve enjoyed that wonderful and authentic local street food for the first time! 19. How you feel about your passport… 20. How you envisioned on-the-road romance… 21. The reality of travel romance… 22. Walking into the hostel dorm and realizing you have it all to yourself! 23. Your first sip of the local brew… 24. Drinking the same thing three weeks later… 25. How having the freedom to travel anywhere in the world feels… 26. What you wish you could tell that street food vendor in Bangkok! 27. Having that same conversation about where you’re from and how long you’ve been traveling, FOR THE BILLIONTH FUCKING TIME! 28. Meeting another backpacker who is eerily similar to you… 29. What you want to see when you enter your hostel dorm… 30. What you see instead… 31. How you act when you don’t speak the local language… 32. How you FEEL when you don’t speak the local language… 33. Choosing the bungalow without AC to save money… 34. Getting settled when you arrive in a new country… 35. How you feel when you leave your camera on public transportation… 36. When your friends ask when you’re planning to come home… Trending Now VisitBritain and a Star-Studded Cast Are Inspiring People to 'Visit the Real Star of the Show' Feb 5, 2025 The World Is Waiting: Travel Host Darley Newman On Season 12 of 'Travels With Darley' Jan 21, 2025 The 20 Biggest Concert Tours Worth Booking a Trip For in 2025 Jan 2, 2025