Photo: Sattalat Phukkum/Shutterstock

10 Changemakers to Follow on Twitter: May 21

by Abbie Mood May 21, 2010
If you are one of the millions of people who use the social network called Twitter, then you probably are aware that it has become an incredible tool for creating change in our world.

Not just a site to share what music you are listening to or what your dog ate for breakfast, Twitter has become a place for people to share world views, news, and humanitarian endeavors.  Here is a list of 10 people making a real impact (you should probably follow them now).

  1. zenpeacekeeper – Human rights advocate, writer, not-for-profit whizz and yoga teacher: writing a memoir about life as a peacekeeper in Afghanistan.
  2. StaceyMonk – Founder of Epic Change & TweetsGiving, co-creator of the #TwitterKids of Tanzania. Recently headed an effort that has (so far) raised over $16,000 to go towards building homes for children in Tanzania. Read about “To Mama With Love” here.
  3. CraigKielburger – Co-creator of Free The Children, then Me to We. Together, the two are revolutionizing how we will change the world.
  4. MollyMali – Manages Peace Corps Connect and Africa Rural Connect for the National Peace Corps Association.
  5. JushRuxin – Columbia University expert on development that lives in Rwanda.
  6. MamyLucy – Epic Change partner in Tanzania. Former poultry farmer turned school founder & Mama to over 400 kids – the kids that @StaceyMonk is raising money for.
  7. NickKristof – New York Times columnist, two-time Pulitzer Prize winner who writes about the world’s issues.
  8. alanna_shaikh– International development optimist and skeptic, global health blogger, writer for Aid Watch & UN Dispatch, TED India fellow.
  9. AgentStiv – Surfer, Sailor, Writer, Eco-Nerd, Ocean Lover, Plastic Pollution Fighter, Clearcut Hater, Renewable Energy Devotee.  He actually went to the Atlantic Gyre, one of the ocean’s five plastic garbage patches.
  10. derekmarkham– Derek digs simple living, natural fatherhood, attachment parenting, natural building, unassisted childbirth (homebirth), bicycles, composting (sawdust) toilets, organic and biodynamic gardening, vegan peanut butter cookies with chocolate chips, bouldering, and the blues.

Community Connection:

For more organizations and people to follow on Twitter check out Matador’s list – @MatadorNetwork/Change.

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