My Favorite Books: Member’s Pick for Week 02/01/10

by Matador Creators Feb 1, 2010
In a series here on Goods, we will be spotlighting various Matador community members and providing links to their favorite books.

Matador Member – Travisty

Photos by Travisty

I was a late starter but now I am a traveler permanently. I have been traveling around the world for last 2 years and am setting up shop in Bogota, Colombia. This is the location for my newest adventure, Home Hostels Colombia.

I want to make a difference by creating a world class chain of hostels in Colombia, my new adopted home, linking them to charities that make a difference less fortunate people.

Be sure to check out Travisty’s Matador profile.

Favorite books: East of Eden, White Tiger, Screw it, Let’s Do it.


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