My Favorite Books: Member’s Pick for Week 12/07/09

by Matador Creators Dec 7, 2009
In a series here on Goods, we will be spotlighting various Matador community members and providing links to their favorite books.

Matador Member – AmandaH

Photos by AmandaH

I felt the most immersed in a foreign culture when I’m drinking wine and eating bratwurst at the Bad Durkheim Wine Festival or when they shut down traffic on our entire block and rocked it out Xanadu-style with people dancing on skates, skateboards, roller-blades, and bikes while a cover band jammed some early nineties music until the wee hours of the morning.

Be sure to check out AmandaH’s Matador profile.

Favorite books: Jellicoe Road, A Great and Terrible Beauty, Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich, Rachel Morgan series by Kim Harrison, and so many more I would run out of space.


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