Twitter Contest Giveaway: A Year's Subscription to ITP Magazine

by Matador Creators Aug 31, 2009
As part of the Matador Twitter contest, we will be spotlighting cool gear we’ll be giving away to lucky readers.
Indie Travel Podcast Magazine

From the award-winning Indie Travel Podcast team comes its freshly minted magazine (available in both print and digital form) geared towards independent travelers.

Its decadent inaugural issue includes stories and photography from Burma, Tonga, Spain, and Nigeria.

More from ITP:

In all its forms, the Indie Travel Podcast caters for independent travellers, especially those planning or taking part in extended travel. The magazine allows themes to be treated in greater depth and beautiful photography and graphic design to be showcased in a familiar format.

New media delivery mechanisms are still going to be used in distributing the magazine; especially the seldom used PDF functionality of iTunes. With an existing global audience of podcast listeners, the digital magazine can be instantly delivered.

For those tired of reading online or wanting something to read during takeoff and landing, the print subscription delivers sharp, high quality images and thoughtful writing in a practical A5 format. Beautiful photography throughout means it will proudly grace any coffee table.

In concert with its official September 1st launch, one winner will be picked to win a year’s print subscription to the Indie Travel Podcast Magazine valued at NZ$40. The annual subscription includes four quarterly issues over the year delivered to any address across the globe.



We’ll be contacting him directly to start him on his free annual subscription to Indie Travel Podcast (ITP) Magazine.

Want to win more free stuff from Matador? Follow us here @matadornetwork and keep your eyes peeled for the next contest!

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