These Climate Change Images Will Bring Tears to Your Eyes

by Morgane Croissant Feb 5, 2015

INSTAGRAM is not only the home of duckface selfies, pugs wearing sweaters, and gigantic tatoos, it’s also a powerful tool for art, journalism, and activism.

By gathering pictures of the effects of climate change from professional and amateur photographers, the people behind #everydayclimatechange are trying to open everyone’s eyes to the suffering climate change is causing. Those who have been denying what our planet is going through will get a run for their money.

Feature image: Sean Gallagher for Everyday Climate Change

Flaring from shale gas drilling operations turns the night sky orange at a farm in northeastern Pennsylvania. USA where the rush to exploit shale has has turned farmland jnto gas fields. A 2011 report in Climate Change written by Robert w. Howarth, Renee Santoro and Anthony Ingraffea evaluated the greenhouse footprint of natural gas obtained by high-volume hydraulic fracturing from shale formations and found that the methane emissions have a 20% greater greenhouse gas footprint than coal operations. These findings challenge industry arguments that fracking and natural gas is a cleaner energy solution. Photo by Nina Berman @nina_berman @noorimages #climatechangeisreal #fracking #methane #shalegas @everydayeverywhere #everydayclimatechange #frackoff #marcellusshale

Une photo publiée par Everyday Climate Change (@everydayclimatechange) le

#Repost Photo by @zondafotos Claudio Gutiérrez for @everydayclimatechange My little Giuli looking water in an area of ​​Potrerillos dam which at this time of summer should be covered by the meltwater from the Andes. Mendoza is for the fifth straight year water crisis by the lack of snow in the mountains. Mi pequeña Giuli busca agua en una zona de dique Potrerillos el cual en esta epoca del verano debería estar cubierto por el agua de deshielo de la Cordillera de Los Andes. Mendoza se encuentra por quinto año seguido en Crisis Hidrica por la falta de nevadas en sus montañas. Photo by @zondafotos Claudio Gutiérrez Thanks for sharing, @zondafotos! Welcome to our version of #followfriday #ff! We're going to feature one photo hashtagged with #everydayclimatechange on occasional days, not just Fridays, that does not come from our regular contributors! #everydaylatinamerica #everydayeverywhere #fotoperiodismo #photojournalism #Mendoza #Argentina #pressphoto #globalwarming #calentamientoglobal #climatechange #cambioclimatico #Potrerillos #crisishidrica #losandes #everydayclimatechange #samsungmobile #igersmendoza #igers Check out our friends @everydayAfrica @everydayLatinAmerica @everydayUSA @everydayIran @everydayEverywhere @azdarya @everydayMiddleEast

Une photo publiée par Everyday Climate Change (@everydayclimatechange) le

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