It’s that time again where we look at pictures of different travelers and travel writers tweeting. We don’t fully understand how this is culturally relevant but somehow it seems to be.
THE LAST ROUNDUP of travel tweeps twittering got more than 3,000 views and 80 retweets. Alright, here they are: people’s faces + computer / portable device screens:
Matador Tweeps
Follow the Matador Staff on Twitter! @rossborden, @LolaAkinmade, @dahveed_miller ,@tcpatterson, @ianmack, @livingholistic, @waywardlife, @collazoprojects, @joanna_haugen, @vagab0nderz, @sarahmenkedick, @halamen, @joshywashington, @thefutureisred, @candicewalsh, @andrewghayes