Photo: mickyteam/Shutterstock

Get Your Pen Moving: FOOD

Photo + Video + Film
by Teresa Ponikvar Jun 22, 2009

We’re kicking off a new feature this week at The Traveler’s Notebook: every other Monday, we’ll give you a prompt, exercise, or topic to get your pen moving.

You’ll send us whatever you come up with: a story, a description, a ramble, a collage, a limerick, a review—no restrictions on form, as long as you stick to the prompt of the week and, of course, the overall theme of travel.

The following Monday we’ll publish some of our favorite sentences, paragraphs, observations, or turns of phrase, so you can get a taste of what your fellow Matadorians are up to.

Aaaaand this week’s topic is…FOOD.

So open your notebook (or laptop) and run with it. What do you have to say about food and travel?

The taste of barbequed goat, or the time you lived on Ramen noodles for 3 weeks straight, or when you first realized that apples, pears, and oranges are not the only fruits in the world, a review of your favorite taqueria in Chicago…

Paste your writing (up to 250 words) in the body of your email, along with your Matador community ID. Please put “FOOD” in the subject line and send to

We look forward to reading your words!

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