Glimpse Correspondents Program: Funding for Aspiring Journalists and Travel Writers

by David Miller May 6, 2010
Attn: young travel writers, bloggers, photographers, and journalists, the Glimpse Fall 2010 Correspondents Program is now accepting applications.

GLIMPSE is a worldwide program powered by Matador and supported in part by the National Geographic Society.

Glimpse’s mission statement:

Glimpse believes that independent travelers, particularly those who spend significant time abroad, have a unique and often overlooked opportunity to effect positive change around the world. This begins with bearing witness to place, people, culture, and especially the stories and struggles that might otherwise go unrecorded.

The main focus of Glimpse is the Correspondents Program, which provides travelers, students, and aspiring journalists with a professional platform–including stipends, community support, and one-on-one editorial training–for publishing journalistic work based on their travels abroad.

The Fall 2010 Glimpse Program is now officially open to applicants. To qualify for the program you must be:

  • between the ages of 18 and 36
  • living, working, volunteering, or studying outside of your home country for at least 10 weeks

Correspondents will receive the following benefits:

  • $600 stipend
  • One on one support from a team of professional editors
  • Guaranteed publication in and Matador
  • Community support and promotion of your project to high-profile editors, schools, and media outlets

Please visit the Correspondents page, where you can read more about the program, check the profiles and work of past Correspondents, and also apply.

Feature Photo: Amy Adoyzie Lam, Glimpse Correspondent

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