Notebook Picks of the Week: Visual Media Innovators

Photo + Video + Film
by David Miller Apr 6, 2008

Buddhist temple of Borobudur. Photo by Trey Ratcliff

“When a human eye is actually on location, it is constantly moving, adjusting the pupil size, allowing in more light in some areas, less in others, and the visual cortex actually works to build a patch-like vision of the scene. That is what we remember in our mind’s eye: an idealized super-realistic memory of the scene.”

–Trey Ratcliff on High Dynamic Range Photography

For this inaugural edition of the Traveler’s Notebook Picks of the Week, we’ll check in with innovators and innovations in visual media.

High Dynamic Range in Video

Last year I interviewed Trey Ratcliff about his work on High Dynamic Range or HDR photography. One of my questions: could HDR be applied to video?

Trey noted only “HDR in video is possible.” It seems that this technology is still in the research and development stage. Examples of it online are scarce.

One exception: the standout work of Jay Burlage. I was stoked in particular, on this example of an HDR video, which begs to be seen on a large screen in higher resolution.

I can’t wait to see how this technology evolves and to see it applied in new ways and in new terrain: barreling waves, for example.

How much editing is enough?

Still, I have tons of respect for traditional photographers (like Paul Ferraris who can capture an image of a wave so perfect you can taste the saltwater) by sticking with patience, practice, and shredding on old-school equipment and darkroom techniques.

But for everyone else, especially those just learning digital photography and Photoshop, here’s a great new tutorial by Ryan Libre on “How much editing is enough?”

Photoshop Express

For those looking for free hosting of their photos plus innovative features for displaying your gallery as well as tools for cropping / remixing images, check out the new Photoshop Express.

Wend Magazine Online

Finally, our friends over at Wend Magazine have just put out an online, paperless issue. The layout and style are sweet–the closest thing I’ve seen to actually flipping through magazine pages. Check it out.

That does it for this week, folks. We have another huge week ahead of us with more travel photography podcasts on the way, plus new green guides and more.

One last note: if you’ve been feeling the Traveler’s Notebook, show us some love by Signing up here to nominate us for the Best Travel Blog at the Blogger’s Choice Awards.


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