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Israel Held a Concert Only Open to Those Who Have Been Vaccinated

by Eben Diskin Feb 25, 2021

As the vaccine rollout continues to ramp up throughout the world, we must start to grapple with how to safely go back to normal. Some countries are working on “vaccine passports” while others already require proof of vaccination to enter. Israel is doing something similar with cultural events. On Wednesday, an open-air concert was held in Tel Aviv, and it was only open to those who have been vaccinated, or could prove they’d recovered from COVID-19.

To enter the concert, attendees were required to have a “Green Pass,” a government-validated certificate proving that they had received both doses of the vaccine, and that at least one week had passed prior to the event. In lieu of a vaccine, they could also provide an antibody test to certify that they have previously been infected with COVID-19.

Doron Zicher, a retired businessman who attended the concert, told Reuters, “It provides protection, but also a feeling of comfort to sit among people who are vaccinated. “After a year staying at home in a sort of isolated environment it feels great to go out and experience public shows and activities.”

Green Passes are valid for six months from the time of full vaccination, and can also be used at theaters, gyms, swimming pools, and hotels.

Israel has the highest vaccination rate in the world, with around half of Israelis already receiving the first of the two-dose COVID-19 vaccine.

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