Photo: Patrick Corrigan/Twitter

With the Olympics Postponed, Athletes Have Developed Crazy Home Workouts

by Tim Wenger Apr 22, 2020

This summer’s Olympic Games have been postponed until 2021 due to the coronavirus, which threw a wrench in the plans of fans, athletes, media outlets, and the entire city of Tokyo. Athletes are stuck at home just like everyone else, forcing them to find creative solutions to stay in shape and train without the use of typical practice facilities. The Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado, shut down in March along with gyms, pools, and other athletic facilities around the country.

Olympic passion was not shut down, however, and some athletes around the world are getting more creative than others. Pentathlete Samantha Schultz Actenberg is fencing in her garage. Hurdler Lolo Jones is doing couch lifts. But Russian swimmer Julia Evimova takes the quarantrophy for showing off her brute core strength in this video of her training, waterless, on her kitchen counter:

Olympic swimmer Ryan Murphy is getting equally creative. He told USA Today that he’d been doing pullups on a tree, and on March 21, he posted a video of himself on Instagram, pushing his car up a hill:

And Dutch swimmer Sharon van Rouwendaal found that when all else fails, there’s always the inflatable backyard pool.

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