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Economic Collapse by Early 2013, Says Head of World's Largest Hedge Fund

by Carlo Alcos Jul 19, 2011
Money printing to deal with massive debt will lead to a collapse in the economy by 2013, predicts Ray Dalio.

WELL, THIS IS WEIRD. Earlier today I was speaking with my ex-wife (and still best-friend) about the current economic situation. I expressed my thoughts about what I think is an impending collapse, of course predicating it with my statement that “I’m not paranoid or a doomsday person.”

Later in the day I received an email sent through the contact form on my blog from “Stef”, someone I don’t know. The subject just said “interesting read” and all that was in the body was this link to a Business Insider article published yesterday.

I never open these kinds of emails but the title, which showed in the URL of the link, piqued my curiosity: the-head-of-the-worlds-biggest-hedge-fund-sees-economic-collapse-due-to-money-printing-by-early-2013. The universe is trying to tell me something, I thought.

There hasn’t been a case in history where they haven’t eventually printed money and devalued their currency.

The article, which was originally published on a blog called Zero Hedge, tells how Ray Dalio — head of Bridgewater, the world’s biggest hedge fund — predicts the collapse of the economy in “late 2012 or early 2013” due to money printing. He says that countries heavily in debt, including the US, will print more money to deal with it. “There hasn’t been a case in history where they haven’t eventually printed money and devalued their currency,” he said in an interview printed in The New Yorker.

Estimates of Dalio’s hedge fund is around $80 billion and has performed well despite recent and current problems with the economy. So he’s probably one to heed. He seems to know something about something.

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