Meet the Woman Sailing Around the World With Her Cat

by Matt Hershberger May 3, 2016

CAPTAIN LIZ CLARK IS LIVING THE DREAM. The sailor and environmentalist bought a 40-foot sailboat years back, worked on getting it shipshape, renamed it “Swell,” and has been sailing around the world on it since 2006. Clark has an unusual first mate, though: her cat, Amelia.

“Amelia the Tropicat” was adopted by Liz when the cat was a mere 6-months old, and she has grown used to life on a ship.

Over the years, Liz has sailed all over the Pacific.

Amelia the Tropicat likes to fish — with limited success.

The two now criss-cross the Pacific, looking for environmental projects to help out in, and living off of renewable energy sources.

If this isn’t the dream, I don’t know what is.

Liz says Amelia “has to go out of a cat comfort zone often, but I think she now understands that I will keep her safe and she will have a lot of fun in the end.”

You can follow Captain Liz and Amelia the Tropicat’s adventures as their Instagram, or at her blog, Swell Voyage.

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