You Probably Won't Be Able to Cross This Bridge Without Freaking Out

by Matt Hershberger Oct 26, 2015

HANGING BRIDGES ARE PRETTY TERRIFYING AS IT IS — they sway in the breeze, they shake as you walk on them, and it’s hard not to be painfully aware that such a rickety, fragile structure is keeping you from plummeting to your death. But the Shiniuzhai Geopark in Hunan, China, has upped the ante. They’ve built the world’s longest hanging glass bridge.

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Because it’s so terrifying to cross, the bridge has been nicknamed “hero bridge.”

Needless to say, people are freaking out while they cross it.

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The bridge, which is 600 feet high and nearly 1,000 feet long, is the first of its kind in China.

The double-layered glass is nearly an inch thick, and is said to be 25 times stronger than window glass.

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But, understandably, that does not sound strong enough to a lot of people crossing the bridge.

h/t: Bored Panda

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