Help Send Anna Brones to Copenhagen

by Abbie Mood Nov 25, 2009

Feature photo courtesy of Anna Brones

Matador member Anna Brones has entered a Huffington Post contest to become their “Hopenhagen Ambassador” to the U.N. Climate Change Conference in December.

You may remember reading about Anna Brones and her new social media start-up on Matador Pulse. She’s now competing to become the Huffington Post’s Hopenhagen Ambassador at the upcoming U.N. Climate Change Conference.

Anna took a few minutes out of her day to answer a couple questions.

Why do you want to cover Copenhagen?

I’ve been wanting to go to the Copenhagen conference for a long time. First of all, the importance of the conference itself is huge; our global future is at stake. Second, because of new media, the whole world gets to take part.

The Copenhagen conference won’t just be happening with political leaders making decisions behind closed doors; because of blogs, video interviews, Twitter updates, etc. everyone is going to be able to stay up to date with what is happening in real time. That’s a pretty amazing thing.

Why are environmental issues important to you?

I [grew up] spending my time outdoors, and over the years I’ve come to realize that if I don’t personally take steps to protect it, the natural spaces that are so key to our existence may no longer be here.

As a writer I’ve committed myself to educating others about these issues, so that they too can push for change. We need to learn how to live in balance with nature, and that means changing how we live our lives.

Vote for Anna Brones on the Hopenhagen Ambassador website here.

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