Photo: It for you/Shutterstock

Armchair Travel: Celebrating Health

by Lola (Akinmade) Åkerström Dec 26, 2008

As 2008 rapidly winds down, we’ve all started compiling our resolutions for the new year. Hopefully, taking care of your mind and body is high on your list.

Juliane Huang introduces us to 24 Super Healthy Eats and Drinks For 2009 – from the Amazon’s antioxidant powerhouse, Acai berries to everyone’s favorite aphrodisiac, chocolate.

If “travel more” shows up on your list, you’ll probably want to stay abreast of health concerns in regions you plan on traveling to. Erik McLaughlin draws our attention back to the fatal power of malaria in In Search of a Malaria Vaccine: What Travelers Should Know.

Voralak Suwanvanichkij spotlights the Top 12 Places People Go for Cheap Healthcare should you need some medical attention in the new year.

As you continue your journey towards optimal health in 2009, here are a few resources to help you out:

Eat This, Not That

David Zinczenko, Editor-in-Chief of Men’s Health magazine shows you thousands of simple alternatives to common foods we all enjoy without limiting what you can or cannot eat.

Price: $11.97 | BUY

YOU: The Owner’s Manual

America’s doctor, Dr. Mehmet Oz and his trusty partner, Dr. Michael F. Roizen bring you a complete manual to knowing the intricacies of how your body works and what you need to do to keep it working.

Price: $12.86 | BUY

The Complete Homeopathic Resource for Common Illnesses

Always wanted a quick guide to help you treat your cold at home? Dr. Dennis Chernin gives us an encyclopedia of remedies for treating common illnesses as well as some borderline problems such as jet lag and phobias.

Price: $21.86 | BUY

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